Hot: President Bill Clinton will deliver the keynote address at SharePoint Conference 2014

President Bill Clinton will deliver the keynote address at SharePoint Conference 2014


The largest and most comprehensive event in the world for SharePoint, Yammer and Office 365 announces President Bill Clinton, Founder of the Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States, as the keynote presenter.  President Clinton will deliver a keynote address Monday, March 3rd at 8:30 am.  All attendees with a General Registration pass can attend the keynote and are advised to arrive early.

With more than 200 sessions on SharePoint, Yammer and Office 365 and product roadmap and feature announcements, SharePoint Conference is the must-attend event for IT Professionals, Developers, Power Users and Executives this Spring.   The conference will be held March 3-6, 2014 at the Venetian Hotel and Resort in Las Vegas, USA.

Click Here for more information on how SharePoint, Yammer and Office 365 can help increase your organization’s collaboration and engagement and focus your technology on delighting customers.

Witte rook bij Microsoft: Satya Nadella volgt Ballmer op’


Hallo Allemaal,

Microsoft heeft een nieuwe topman! Hulde en we wensen Nadella het beste voor de komende jaren om de nieuwe visie en strategie uit te stippelen.

Microsoft heeft volgens ingewijden de opvolger van vertrekkend topman Steve Ballmer gevonden. De Indiër Satya Nadella zou aan het roer van de softwaregigant komen te staan.

Dat meldt persbureau Bloomberg op basis van bronnen die betrokken zijn bij de zoektocht naar een nieuwe ceo. Zijn benoeming zou nog niet definitief zijn goedgekeurd, maar wel al in voorbereiding zijn.

Nadella was volgens eerdere berichten de afgelopen weken al naar voren gekomen als de belangrijkste interne kandidaat. De Indiër (1967) werkt al sinds 1992 bij Microsoft. Daarvoor was hij in dienst bij Sun Microsystems.

Onder zijn leiding groeide de Server & Tools-divisie tot een stabiele factor binnen Microsoft. Na de reorganisatie van vorig jaar is hij de baas over de afdeling Cloud & Enterprise.

Afvallers: Mulally en Vestberg

De afgelopen weken kwamen meerdere namen naar buiten van externe kandidaten. Zo werd Ford-topman Alan Mulally nadrukkelijk genoemd. Hij zou volgens Bloomberg echter zelf af hebben gezien van de functie, omdat hij geen zin had in een openbare selectieprocedure. Bovendien is hij met zijn 68 jaar relatief oud en heeft hij weinig ervaring met techbedrijven.

Steve Mollenkopf van Qualcomm werd in december aangewezen als nieuwe topman van de Amerikaanse chipmaker, na geruchten dat hij op de shortlist van Microsoft stond. Ook de baas van het Zweedse Ericsson, Hans Vestberg, zou op die lijst hebben gestaan. Maar hij viel af, nadat hij volgens Bloomberg tijdens een bestuursvergadering aangaf niet van plan te zijn Ericsson op korte termijn te verlaten.

Nieuwe strategie, nieuwe topman

Het bestuur van Microsoft is sinds vorige zomer op zoek naar een nieuwe topman, toen Steve Ballmer onverwacht aankondigde binnen een jaar te vertrekken. Ballmer is van mening dat de inhaalslag die Microsoft moet maken beter geleid kan worden door een nieuwe topman. Microsoft miste de boot op terreinen als smartphones, tablets en internetdiensten.

Het softwarebedrijf wil zich in de toekomst richten op het ontwerpen van hardware en het leveren van online diensten. Daarmee neemt het afstand van het traditionele verdienmodel van de verkoop van geïnstalleerde software. Door de opkomst van smartphone en tablets dalen de verkopen van pc’s, en dus ook de inkomsten van het besturingssysteem Windows en kantoorpakket Office.

Interne kandidaat heeft de voorkeur

Medewerkers van Microsoft denken dat de ommekeer sneller gestalte krijgt onder leiding van iemand uit de eigen gelederen, blijkt uit een rondgang van techsite Recode. Microsoft zou met zijn vele divisies en meer dan 100 duizend medewerkers wereldwijd een te moeilijk bedrijf zijn om voor een buitenstaander snel te doorgronden.

Het bestuur van Microsoft zou drie interne kandidaten op het oog hebben voor de ceo-functie. Daartoe behoren Tony Bates, eerder topman van het door Microsoft overgenomen Skype, en Stephen Elop, oud-bestuursvoorzitter van Nokia. Maar volgens Bloomberg heeft Nadella een streepje voor.

Gates mogelijk weg als chairman

Het bestuur zou ook overwegen om medeoprichter Bill Gates te vervangen als chairman, een functie die vergelijkbaar is met de president-commissaris bij Nederlandse bedrijven. Gates droeg in 2000 de dagelijkse leiding over aan Ballmer, die op dat moment al twintig jaar werkzaam was bij Microsoft.

De rijkste man ter wereld bleef wel aan als chairman van het softwareconcern. Het huidige bestuurslid John Thompson zou een gegadigde zijn om de 58-jarige Gates op te volgen in die functie.

Fijne dag allemaal!

Jean-Claude Chan



Flashnews: Microsoft CEO drumbeat picks up for Nadella as CEO


Good morning all,

Microsoft has found a new CEO: Nadella it will be!

The saga that is Microsoft’s CEO search appears to be pushing Satya Nadella, the company’s enterprise and cloud leader, as a front runner to succeed Steve Ballmer.

According to Bloomberg and Re/Code Nadella is the front runner to take over as CEO. No one is citing named sources, but Microsoft did say it was expecting to name a new CEO early in 2014.

Microsoft won’t comment on the reports.

Leading Microsoft is apparently the job that no one is jumping for. Microsoft has looked at its own execs such as executive vice president Tony Bates and Kevin Turner, operating chief. The company also apparently wooed Ford CEO Alan Mulally as well as Qualcomm CEO on deck Steve Mollenkopf.

Congratulations Nadella with your new position and we wish you all the best!


Jean-Claude Chan

February 2014 MPN Competency Requirement Updates

Hi dear Microsoft partners,

I just want to share this reminder of Julie Bennani with all of you in terms of the change within the MPN Competencies Requirements.

Sincere regards,

Jean-Claude Chan

Follow me on @jeanclaudechan or mail add via Linkedin via


What all Microsoft Partners need to know
In December 2013, we announced a modified roadmap for changes to the Microsoft Partner Network, including requirements updates for the competencies. Top-line, we strongly encourage you and your team to review the information provided in the Disclosure Guide to ensure that your organization continues to meet the requirements necessary to maintain your status, branding and benefits.

Staying Current
Consistent with business principles we announced with the launch of MPN, it is critical that our best, branded partners keep their practice current on our latest technology. In February 2014, many of the people requirements around sales, pre-sales and technical capability will be updated supporting our latest technology and business opportunity aligned to Microsoft’s go-to-market strategies. As a reminder, partners have until their anniversary date to meet the requirements, but we encourage you not to wait as the training and exams are available now (with CRM 2013 and Intelligent Systems content coming soon). The learning paths are the best resource to find detailed information on the latest training requirements with great virtual options.

February competency requirements overview (Also see

February competency requirements overview (Also see Disclosure Guide).
Licensing assessment retirement
Assessment changes
Exam changes
NEW: Pre-sales Technical Assessment
Application Test Retirement
Application Development
Application Integration
Application Lifecycle Management
Business Intelligence
Collaboration and Content
Customer Relationship Management
Data Platform
Devices and Deployment
Digital Advertising
Enterprise Resource Planning
Identity and Access
NEW Intelligent Systems
Management and Virtualization
Midmarket Solution Provider
Project and Portfolio Management
Server Platform
Small Business
Software Asset Management
Volume Licensing
We’re very excited about the continued momentum we’re having with our partner ecosystem in alignment with Microsoft’s devices & services strategy to go after the significant mobile, social, cloud and big data customer opportunities in the market.
Thank you for your continued commitment to Microsoft and please send me a note anytime with feedback (

US PARTNER NEWS: Cloud Program Update: Your Questions, Answered

Hi dear readers,

This is important news for Microsoft Partners regarding the MPN programs.

If you have any questions let me know : or twitter me @jeanclaudechan

Have a good one.

Jean-Claude Chan


On February 24 2014,  several program-wide changes to the Microsoft Partner Network will take effect. Some of these changes are related to the Microsoft Cloud Partner programs. To help you understand what the cloud-related changes are, and how they may affect your company’s membership, I compiled this list of the questions partners most frequently ask about this topic. It is a helpful companion to the Microsoft Partner Network disclosure guide and to the Partner Program Updates blog post by Julie Bennani.


Why is Microsoft retiring the Cloud Partner programs?
Microsoft Cloud Partner programs (comprising Cloud Essentials, Cloud Accelerate, Cloud Deployment, and Azure Circle) were created to support partners in developing new practices around Microsoft cloud solutions. We invested in partners who started this journey with us early. Now, many of those early adopters have built successful cloud practices, and cloud is now part of nearly all IT conversations. It is time to integrate these programs into the core Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) program, which we will do through a phased approach over the course of the next year.

What happened to the cloud tracks that were part of the earlier announcements about MPN competency changes?
We are still committed to integrating cloud into the Microsoft Partner Network. Based on your feedback, we suspended the addition of distinct cloud tracks into the MPN competencies so we could approach it more simply. You can expect to see the integration of cloud in the third quarter of 2014 when we retire the Cloud Accelerate, Cloud Deployment, and Azure Circle programs.

How will the retirement of Cloud Essentials work?
We will close Cloud Essentials to new enrollments on February 24, and retire the program on June 30. To continue to access your internal-use software licenses and other benefits you enjoy as a Cloud Essentials subscriber, you must either subscribe to the Microsoft Action Pack or earn an MPN competency.

imageIf Cloud Essentials is going away, will I still be eligible to sell Microsoft Online Services and receive incentives?
Yes! As a Cloud Essentials subscriber, you accepted the Microsoft Online Services Partner Agreement (MOSPA). This agreement allows you to sell cloud subscriptions and receive the core advisor incentives, as detailed in the Microsoft Online Services Advisor Incentives guide.

How do I earn cloud accelerator incentives?
If you are a Cloud Accelerate partner, you will be eligible for the cloud accelerator incentives until the fall of 2014. The Cloud Accelerate program will continue for the time being. Details are in the Microsoft Online Services Advisor Incentives guide.

Without Cloud Essentials, what is the best program option for me to receive benefits that help me establish and build my Microsoft cloud practice?
Here are my suggestions, based on how established your cloud practice currently is, and who your customers are:
•Subscribe to the Microsoft Action Pack, which has been redesigned to offer resources and benefits relevant to all partners who serve SMB customers, with emphasis on cloud services. This new subscription model will debut on February 24 at a price of US $475. You can subscribe before then at the current price and save on the first year of your subscription.
•If you have a more established cloud practice, meet the requirements for the Cloud Accelerate program (which will continue for the time being) and the Cloud Deployment program for access to benefits that enable business growth.
•Earn a silver or gold competency that is reflective of your company’s expertise.

Partners with a focus on Microsoft Office 365 and cloud solutions gravitate toward these competencies that reflect cloud capabilities:

◦Collaboration and Content
◦Devices and Deployment
◦Project and Portfolio Management
◦Midmarket Solution Provider
◦Small Business – through January 31, you can earn the Silver Small Business competency for US $999, significant savings off the silver competency fee of US $1,850. Terms and conditions.

How can I continue to receive internal use software benefits for Microsoft cloud services?

The internal use software benefits for Microsoft Cloud Services (including Microsoft Office 365, Windows Intune, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, and Windows Azure) that are currently granted through Cloud Essentials and Cloud Accelerate will be integrated into the MPN core benefits for Microsoft Action Pack subscribers and competency partners beginning February 24.

Review your license statement in the partner digital distribution portal for details about your current core internal-use software benefits. For a variety of internal-use software licenses, you will have the opportunity to exchange current on-premises core internal-use software licenses for access to cloud internal-use software benefits.
•Action Pack subscribers – review page 11 of the MPN disclosure guide for Cloud Services license benefits.
•Competency partners – review page 14 of the MPN disclosure guide for Cloud Services license benefit

Can I continue to use my Delegated Administration Privileges?
Yes! This resource will continue to be available to partners that have signed the Microsoft Online Services Partner Agreement (MOSPA) and have an active internal-use software license subscription.

I’m interested in joining the Cloud Deployment program and accessing the benefits. What do I need to do?
When your company meets the Cloud Deployment program requirements, your organization is automatically assigned Cloud Deployment partner status within the Microsoft Partner Network. No action is necessary. Sign in to the Cloud Deployment page on the MPN portal for more information.

Cloud Deployment requirements:
•Attain Cloud Accelerate status.
•Earn a Silver or Gold Collaboration and Content; Communications; Devices and Deployment; Messaging; or Project and Portfolio Management competency.
•Complete one Office 365 deployment of more than 150 seats in the last 18 months by March 31.

For detailled information go to :



Part four: My top favourite Executive workshops at SharePoint Conference 2014 in Las Vegas


Hi dear readers,

I hope you had a great weekend and that you are all boost up to start this new week! At least I am all fired up and as promised I am sharing you today Part Four: My top favourite Executive workshops at SharePoint Conference 2014 in Las Vegas.

Clock is ticking away and we still are few weeks away from the SP 2014 event in Vegas. For those who have decided to go, Great!

Are you still swinging?

For those who are still swinging which way to go (stay home or go Vegas), let me please remind you of the top 100 reasons why you MUST visit the SP 2014 event:

Anyway, after having said so, here are my top favourite Executive workshops which I will attend and try to keep you readers updated on a daily base what happens in the Executive rooms.\

Check out the session from Jared Spataro on Enterprise Social and ofcourse General Motors customer showcase!

Enjoy and have good one!


Jean-Claude Chan

For any comments or questions, mail me : or twitter me @jeanclaudechan

Executive workshop: The strategy behind building a successful social intranet

Know your business. Know your business requirements. Know your users. And then introduce a new social fabric that up-levels your workforce inside and outside the firewall, cross device, cross platform. This session will focus on the strategy behind moving your entire organization from an informed user base into a daily-engaged, active community. Lines of communication can go top down, bottom up, and it all happens wherever, whenever.


  • Date/Time:
  • Room:
  • Level:      200
  • Audience:      Executive
  • Track:      Sites & Portals
  • Twitter:      #SPC291
  • Type      of session: Business Value
  • Focus:

Related Sessions


Joel Oleson

joey oleson

Director of Technical Evangelism

Blogger, traveler, speaker and top industry influencer, Joel has built communities all over the world and traveled to over 140 countries since 2008, including keynotes on all continents. Joel is involved with a number of start-ups, including director of strategy at Availys, a global SharePoint consulting firm; director of technical evangelism at ViewDo Labs, an enterprise social analytics app. He was the first SharePoint administrator ever and spent seven years at Microsoft, including a few years on the SharePoint team. This past year, as a 13-year SharePoint veteran, he was awarded top SharePoint blog and #1 influencer in the community by Forbes study. Joel is co-founder of many community efforts—SPYam Yammer community (4500 members strong) and Sharing The Point (a community building and training group designed to help under served regions of the world). You can find his popular technical bog at and his travel blog at and on Twitter: @joeloleson

Executive workshop: Work like a network: The power of Enterprise Social

Are you having trouble getting business value from your collaboration solutions? Do your employees feel empowered to be leaders? Microsoft’s Enterprise Social tools provide a unique solution that addresses both the business needs and the people needs of the organization. In this session, we will discuss best practices for maximizing the business value and achieving successful adoption. Learn how you can improve personal, team and enterprise effectiveness.


  • Date/Time:
  • Room:
  • Level:      100
  • Audience:      Executive
  • Track:      Business Value
  • Twitter:      #SPC112
  • Type      of session: Business Value
  • Focus:


Jared Spataro

jared spataro

General Manager, Product Marketing – Microsoft Office Division

As General Manager of Product Marketing, Jared manages business strategy, product direction, and go-to-market programs for the SharePoint, Yammer, Project, and Visio businesses. A career software professional, his experience includes roles in engineering, product management, product marketing, and sales. Jared holds an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management and a BS in computer science from Brigham Young University.

This speaker is presenting in the following session(s):

Join Microsoft executives including Jeff Teper, Jared Spataro, and Adam Pisoni at this invitation-only lunch.

Network with fellow business executives in a roundtable setting where common business problems are posed, and peers answer. Attendees can expect to learn valuable and practical insights from business executives and leadership experts.

Are you having trouble getting business value from your collaboration solutions? Do your employees feel empowered to be leaders? Microsoft’s Enterprise Social tools provide a unique solution that addresses both the business needs and the people needs of the organization. In this session, we will discuss best practices for maximizing the business value and achieving successful adoption. Learn how you can improve personal, team and enterprise effectiveness.

Executive session with customer showcase: General Motors: managing 130,000 users’ documents and records – making it easy, while maintaining control

General Motors is passionate about designing, building and selling the world’s best vehicles. With 130,000 information workers, managing documents and records for all areas of the business requires a holistic approach to governance and solution design. Come and hear how General Motors designed their records management solution to work at scale. They will cover how they balance open collaboration with compliance, making it easy for an end user to manage content and must-have scenarios (declaration, retention and holds, disposal), showing the final solution designed to meet today and tomorrow’s needs. Lots to see, lots to learn and time to ask those burning peer-to-peer questions.




Daniel is the Chief SharePoint Architect at General Motors in Detroit, MI where he’s been for the last seven years. Having started working with SharePoint before it was called SharePoint, he was a Consultant and member of the Microsoft SharePoint Partner Advisory Council, before becoming a Customer and member of the Microsoft Office Customer Advisory Council. In his current role he leads a SharePoint Architecture, Engineering and Quality Assurance Team which manages all of the GM Global SharePoint environments for over 400,000 internal users, dealers and external partners.

This speaker is presenting in the following session(s):

Executive workshop: Deliver adaptive and personalized experiences for your SharePoint 2013 sites

This session will explore SharePoint’s integrated analytics & search driven publishing capabilities and how to use them to provide a continually evolving, effective user experience. We’ll show, via real-code demos, how to exploit the full power of the SharePoint 2013 search & analytics platform together with numerous Web Content Management (WCM) features in your internet/intranet site, including personalization, promotions, social, recommendations, content re-use across channels.


  • Date/Time:
  • Room:
  • Level:      200
  • Audience:      Executive
  • Track:      Sites & Portals
  • Twitter:      #SPC228
  • Type      of session: Best Practices
  • Focus:


Ryan Sockalosky

Ryan Socalosky

This speaker is presenting in the following session(s):

Executive workshop: Leverage what you already know about SharePoint as you move into 2013

This session, designed for business and IT executives, helps you better understand and plan how to leverage your existing investment in SharePoint 2010 to get the most out of SharePoint 2013 and/or SharePoint Online. Learn how to leverage your current knowledge, training, and content organization to maximize your SharePoint 2013 benefit. Learn how to use the key features of SharePoint 2013, such as the new intuitive experience, to improve your portal, collaboration, and document management experience. Also understand how you should leverage related technologies, such as Yammer and Office 365. This is the first session to provide a roadmap for a successful SharePoint 2013 and/or Office 365 journey.


  • Date/Time:
  • Room:
  • Level:      200
  • Audience:      Executive
  • Track:      Business Value
  • Twitter:      #SPC236
  • Type      of session: Business Value
  • Focus:

Related Sessions


Scott Jamison

scott jamison

Chief Architect & CEO


Scott Jamison, MVP, MCSM, MCA, and PMP, is a world-renowned expert on SharePoint-based business solutions and Chief Architect and CEO of Jornata (, a premier SharePoint and Office 365 consulting firm. Scott is a recognized thought leader and published author with several books, hundreds of magazine articles, and regular speaking engagements at events around the globe. Scott is a Microsoft Certified Solution Master for SharePoint, a Microsoft SharePoint Server MVP, and a Microsoft Certified Architect for SharePoint. Scott is on twitter (@sjam) and hosts his blog at Scott is also featured on several “Top SharePoint Influencers” lists.

This speaker is presenting in the following session(s):

Want to get the most out of your SharePoint investment and maximize adoption, especially for content management and search? Using the new features of SharePoint 2013 and Office 365, Scott shows you how to best use a mix of Metadata Columns, Folders, SkyDrive Pro, Search, SharePoint mobile apps, and other fantastic features to get the most out of storing, organizing, and finding document content in SharePoint.

Free Windows Azure Training from Microsoft: Get Started with Windows Azure Today Jump Start

Hi SMB Partners,

I think this will certainly be interesting for your company if you are interested in implementing a Cloud practice within you organization or you are thinking to become a Cloud Solution Vendor. Windows Azure is the enabling technical platform to use in order to build very business value adding webbased cloud solutions for your customers.

I think this is a nice bonus weekend for all of you to attend the free Windows Azure trainings.

Have a nice one.


Jean-Claude Chan


Join us for a week long series of live, interactive sessions from the experts who built Azure  that will show you how to start using Windows Azure in your solutions today. In addition to seeing lots of demos and real world examples, you’ll be able to get your questions answered in real time Q&A.

Scott Guthrie, Azure Guru and Microsoft Corporate Vice President,  will kick off the week on Monday January 27 by building a real world application from scratch, end to end, to show you the latest capabilities of Azure.

Then each day, we’ll have deep dive sessions led by Microsoft’s top cloud platform development experts, including Scott Hanselman, Scott Hunter, Marc Mercuri, Cheryl McGuire, and Miranda Luna.

For free Windows Azure trainings go to:


Part three: My top favourite Executive workshops at SharePoint Conference 2014 in Las Vegas


Hi dear readers,

Weekend is almost ahead and hopefully it is going to be a relax weekend for many of you. Before your weekend starts, please read Part three : My top favourite Executive workshops at SharePoint Conference 2014 in Las Vegas.

As you have probably read my 2 previous blogs, this third blog will give you a clear insight why you should register for the SharePoint Conference 2014 in Las Vegas.

If you are still doubting, than you should definetely go check out the TOP 100 reasons why to attend the event:

Anyway, I will keep it short and please check out my top favourite Executive sessions.

Which of sessions would you visit?

Part 4 will be published on Monday January 20th.


Jean-Claude Chan

Executive session: Lead the BYOD Revolution: Effectively Manage a Multi-Device & Multi-Generational Workforce

Major business transformation is brewing in the enterprise today. Mobile technologies, business velocity, geographically dispersed and multi-generational workforce are converging to deliver the promise of responsive organizations. Organizations that miss this paradigm shift will face dire consequences. How can you effectively manage this shift, ensure that it will be sustainable and reap the benefits of being a responsive organization? In this session you’ll learn how to apply practical steps and effective techniques to manage your multi-device and multi-generational workforce.


  • Date/Time:
  • Room:
  • Level:      200
  • Audience:      Executive
  • Track:      Strategy
  • Twitter:      #SPC276
  • Type      of session: Overview
  • Focus:


Dux Raymond Sy

dux raymond

Dux Raymond is the VP of Customer Strategy & Solutions for AvePoint Public Sector responsible for leading the development and delivery of strategic public sector customer solutions that help impact positive transformation and enables organizations to achieve their overall mission. With over 15 years of experience in successfully delivering business transformation solutions, he is the author of SharePoint for Project Management published by O’Reilly Media. A sought-after speaker, Dux is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and a SharePoint Most Valuable Professional (MVP). Feel free to connect with Dux at

enterprise social, responsive orgs, cooking, business transformation

This speaker is presenting in the following session(s):

A major business transformation is brewing in the enterprise today. Mobile technologies, business velocity, geographically dispersed and multi-generational workforce are converging to deliver the promise of responsive organizations. Organizations that miss this paradigm shift will face dire consequences. How can you effectively manage this shift, ensure that it will be sustainable and reap the benefits of being a responsive organization? In this session you’ll learn how to apply practical steps and effective techniques to manage your multi-device and multi-generational workforce.

As IT, how do you ensure your people take full advantage of the solutions you provide? In this session, we will share proven tactics from successful customer implementations, experienced partners, and ongoing focus groups. Drive adoption within your own organization the way you desire – not by chance. As a leave behind, we will have numerous resources to help you get started.

Executive session: A comprehensive strategy to drive business value with SharePoint


Naomi Moneypenny

naomi moneypenny

Naomi Moneypenny is CTO at Synxi (a ManyWorlds brand) where she leads the development team for the adaptive recommendations & machine learning engine for SharePoint and other social business systems such as Yammer. Internally at ManyWorlds, Naomi also has responsibility for the knowledge management process and infrastructure, including the company’s deployment of Office 365 and Yammer Enterprise. Prior to ManyWorlds, Naomi served as a senior business & IT strategist at the Royal Dutch/Shell Group. Naomi developed advanced business strategies for global business units and worked on overall Shell technology forecasts & knowledge management strategies. Before moving into the energy industry, Naomi was senior production editor at recognized blue chip business publisher, Euromoney PLC. There, while redesigning processes, she implemented one of Europe’s first Intranets, for which she won the U.K. Director’s Award. Naomi’s formal education includes a graduate degree in Astrophysics from the University of London, as well as executive programs in strategy and M&A from Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management. She holds over 20 patents in the area of adaptive systems.

Enterprise Social Networks, Future of Work, adaptive designs, astronomy, math, cognitive science, AI.

This speaker is presenting in the following session(s):

In this fast-paced session we’ll look at a spectrum of approaches to driving business value. We will begin with internal wins for overhead reduction and knowledge worker productivity to innovative opportunities of deriving value from external data and delivering actionable insights. Looking at a wide variety of industries and stages of SharePoint maturity, we will highlight strategies and real-life stories to ensure your organization can capture OPEX benefits from your adoption of the SharePoint platform.


  • Date/Time:
  • Room:
  • Level:      100
  • Audience:      Executive
  • Track:      Business Value
  • Twitter:      #SPC106
  • Type      of session: Business Value
  • Focus:

Executive session: Giving voice to frontline workers via enterprise social

In the past, it was very difficult for management and back office teams to connect with frontline staff to learn more about what customers were experiencing first hand. Then with the rise of mobile devices and social networks, everyone has a voice and something to contribute. Now, companies from around the world are empowering their frontline works using Enterprise Social to get feedback faster and become much more responsive organizations. In this session you’ll hear about how these companies have done this and the advantages they are getting from tapping into this previously disconnected part of the organization.


  • Date/Time:
  • Room:
  • Level:      200
  • Audience:      Executive
  • Track:      Social
  • Twitter:      #SPC263
  • Type      of session: Business Value
  • Focus:


Angus Florance


Executive session: Yammer Customer Engagement Lead

In the past, it was very difficult for management and back office teams to connect with frontline staff to learn more about what customers were experiencing first hand. Then with the rise of mobile devices and social networks, everyone has a voice and something to contribute. Now, companies from around the world are empowering their frontline works using Enterprise Social to get feedback faster and become much more responsive organizations. In this session you’ll hear about how these companies have done this and the advantages they are getting from tapping into this previously disconnected part of the organization.

Projects and sales deals can be difficult to coordinate and execute across a large organization, even when all team members are in the same place and more challenging when they are not. In this session, learn best practices for creating groups and sharing content, and hear firsthand examples from your peers on how they are leveraging Yammer’s social platform technology to identify and land deals, service customers and improve team collaboration around the globe.

For more information go to:

Part two: My top favourite Executive workshops at SharePoint Conference 2014 in Las Vegas


Hi Everyone, yesterday I have shown you the first part of which favourite BDM (Business Decision Makers) sessions I will attend at the SharePoint Conference 2014 in Las Vegas.

Today I will share with you part 2 of the BDM sessions which you should NOT MISS in Las Vegas.

Enterprise Social crucial

I think these sessions will be the most interesting for attendees to follow, because I really am curious where Yammer is standing right now and what her strategy and vision is for 2014 and 2015. 2 years ago I was at the SPC 2012 as well and Microsoft just bought Yammer at that time and 2 years from now I think that Enterprise Social is getting more and more important and add business value for organizations wordwide.

Tomorrow I will blog part three and share with you which Executive sessions I will attend and report directly via my blogsite.

See you tomorrow for part three.


Jean-Claude Chan


Executive session: Microsoft’s vision and roadmap for Enterprise Social

Christophe Fiessinger

christophe fiessinger


I’m part of the Office corporate marketing team and focuses on enterprise social. As a product marketing manager, I’m a major advocate of enterprise social using Yammer, Office 365 and SharePoint. I’m also a social media participant, and a frequent speaker at global Microsoft conferences.

Enterprise Social Networking, cooking, outdoors, long distance running, technology and the world.

This speaker is presenting in the following session(s):

Enterprise Social is enabling organizations across the world to transform their businesses, to harnesses the power of their most valuable asset, their people, by connecting employees, customers, and partners. In this session you will learn about the value of enterprise social, Microsoft’s vision and our latest product roadmap.


Executive session: A strategic and pragmatic conversation on governance


Eric Riz

eric riz

Eric is the Executive Vice President of Concatenate, Inc. a software firm focused on maximizing SharePoint through product innovation and systems integration based in Toronto, Canada. He has worked with many Fortune 500 companies on their business adoption, change management and deployment strategies to ensure they maximize the benefits of Microsoft technologies and successfully implement SharePoint-based solutions. A SharePoint MVP and thought-leader in the SharePoint business space, Eric is a regular contributor to many industry journals and newsletters. A sought after speaker, strategist and author, Eric is currently writing SharePoint for Decision Makers. He has developed and facilitated management and technology sessions through-out North America and addressed conferences around the world. You can follow Eric on Twitter @rizinsights and read his latest articles on

This speaker is presenting in the following session(s):

SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online change the landscape in many ways, particularly with its application model and cloud capabilities. From a business perspective, this makes the job of the governance teams more difficult and complex as these issues become key priorities (and areas of weakness) for the organization. This session is a strategic conversation around the elements governance teams should be most concerned with, from data ownership to creating the correct policies and social rights to security. Attendees will learn tactical strategies which can be used as soon as they return to the office.


  • Date/Time:
  • Room:
  • Level:      300
  • Audience:      Executive
  • Track:      Business Value
  • Twitter:      #SPC300
  • Type      of session: Deep Dive
  • Focus:


A responsive organization stays ahead of the competition


Adam Pisoni

adam pisoni

This session will focus on why organizations realize that they have to rethink their work and communication styles to stay competitive. They must become more responsive to an ever-changing environment and their fluctuating customer needs. Innovative companies assess their own workplace, encourage employees to act beyond their job descriptions, and then empower individuals to be creative and collaborative beyond the normal work routine. This session will uncover the simple secrets to becoming responsive in this new era of business.


  • Date/Time:
  • Room:
  • Level:      100
  • Audience:      Executive
  • Track:      Strategy
  • Twitter:      #SPC104
  • Type      of session: Best Practices
  • Focus:


Adam is the General Manager of Engineering for Yammer at Microsoft. He co-founded Yammer, Inc. with David Sacks in 2008, taking one of Geni’s internal projects and turning it into the 2008 TechCrunch 50 winner. Before working at Geni and Yammer, Adam was Director of Web Engineering at Shopzilla, playing a pivotal role in systems architecture and product development. Adam also co-founded and served as CTO of Cnation, a web development consultancy … with clients including CBS MarketWatch,, Fox Interactive, Nissan of Japan, and Honda. Cnation’s work for Honda earned them the 1997 Clio award for interactive design.

This speaker is presenting in the following session(s):

This session will focus on why organizations realize that they have to rethink their work and communication styles to stay competitive. They must become more responsive to an ever-changing environment and their fluctuating customer needs. Innovative companies assess their own workplace, encourage employees to act beyond their job descriptions, and then empower individuals to be creative and collaborative beyond the normal work routine. This session will uncover the simple secrets to becoming responsive in this new era of business.

Network with fellow business executives in a roundtable setting where common business problems are posed, and peers answer. Attendees can expect to learn valuable and practical insights from business executives and leadership experts.

Join Microsoft executives including Jeff Teper, Jared Spataro, and Adam Pisoni at this invitation-only lunch.



Part one: My top favourite Executive workshops at SharePoint Conference 2014 in Las Vegas

Hi All,

With about 6 weeks to go, SharePoint Conference 2014 in Las Vegas will get it on from March 2nd – March 6th and i will be there on behalf of my consultancy organization JCC Consultancy to visit the Executive workshops and I will daily blog and twitter the latest intel during the workshops and share it with all Executives/owner of Microsoft SMB Partners worldwide.


Agenda of Executive workshop is presented!

For those who does not know, the agenda of all sessions are presented on the website:

The coming days I will let you know which Executive sessions I will attend.

I will personally will go to the following Executive workshops and maybe i will see you there. If so, please come along to shake hands.


Jean-Claude Chan



My favourite Executive workshops which I will visit are:

Executive workshop: Overcoming barriers to achieve social business success and adoption

Many executives understand that social business has an opportunity to fundamentally change the way their organization works. Yet many companies face significant barriers to achieving success. Social business changes the way work gets done. But, to be successful, processes must be designed to assure adoption. In this session, we’ll explore the keys to help your organization achieve meaningful results from your investment in social: leading a social culture, measuring what matters, and engaging users to incorporate social in the flow of their work.


  • Date/Time:
  • Room:
  • Level:      100
  • Audience:      Executive
  • Track:      Strategy
  • Twitter:      #SPC107
  • Type      of session: Best Practices


Speaker Susan Hanley

susan hanley

Sue is a consultant and expert in knowledge management and the design, development and implementation of successful portal solutions based on Microsoft SharePoint. Her interests and experience focus on information architecture, user adoption, governance and business value metrics. Sue’s client list includes many of the Fortune 500 along with some of the world’s leading academic, professional services, and not-for-profit organizations. Immediately prior to establishing her own firm, Sue led the Portal practice for Dell Professional Services. Sue is the co-author of Essential SharePoint 2013: Practical Guidance for Measurable Business Results. She writes the Essential SharePoint blog for

This speaker is presenting in the following session(s):

Many executives understand that social business has an opportunity to fundamentally change the way their organization works. Yet many companies face significant barriers to achieving success. Social business changes the way work gets done. But, to be successful, processes must be designed to assure adoption. In this session, we’ll explore the keys to help your organization achieve meaningful results from your investment in social: leading a social culture, measuring what matters, and engaging users to incorporate social in the flow of their work.


Executive workshop: The tipping point between on-premises and the Cloud


Speaker Rob Lamaer

rob lamaer


  • Date/Time:
  • Room:
  • Level:      200
  • Audience:      Executive
  • Track:      Business Value
  • Twitter:      #SPC250
  • Type      of session: Business Value
  • Focus:

Rob LaMear

CEO, Founder

Rob LaMear IV is CEO & Founder of He started from scratch and believes that the key to success has been its people and the energy they bring, hands down. He has been with SharePoint since its inception and his passion for customer care and delivering a premium product has set a new standard in SharePoint Hosting. As much as he likes work and technology, LaMear loves spending time with his family completely unplugged and has never missed an opportunity to join a pickup game of soccer in the park.

This speaker is presenting in the following session(s):

Prepare for the cloud conversation. In this session, learn what cloud barriers exist for your business and how to remove them. Unique obstacles exist at each level of your IT structure, from general IT staff to the Director to the C-levels. Often times, a limited understanding of each pain point leads to poor communication and a slow-moving IT department. Learn about a CEO’s cloud journey as presents his findings from having the cloud conversation with CEOs from all over the globe.


Executive workshop: The Cloud: Navigating the benefits and challenges of this disruptive innovation

Dan Holme

dan holme




  • Date/Time:
  • Room:
  • Level:      100
  • Audience:      Executive
  • Track:      Strategy
  • Twitter:      #SPC108
  • Type      of session: Best Practices
  • Focus:


With a career spanning more than 20 years, Dan Holme has reached hundreds of thousands of IT professionals, executives, and users at almost every Fortune 100 enterprise, and more than half of the Fortune 500 and Global 1000. Dan’s expertise and impact have earned him a reputation as one of the world’s most respected consultants, authors, and experts on Microsoft technologies. A native of Colorado, resident of Maui, and graduate of Yale, Dan has been recognized as an MVP for seven years, and one of the top ten partner MVPs in the world. He has authored hundreds of articles for and numerous best-selling books for Microsoft Press. This winter, Dan serves as the Microsoft Technologies Consultant for NBC Olympics during the broadcast of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, a role he also played in Torino, Beijing, Vancouver and London. Other major customers include Raytheon, HP, Johnson & Johnson, General Electric, HSBC, Bank of America, Microsoft, and University of California. You can learn more about Dan, his work, and his contact information, at

This speaker is presenting in the following session(s):

Are you tired of click-click-clicking through the user interface every time a user needs a new site? Are you concerned that administrators and users are not complying to your governance policies when they deploy new sites, lists, and libraries? Are you unsure whether security permissions are consistently and correctly applied? Do you want to empower the business with self-service capabilities, but you feel uneasy about them staying in policy compliance? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this session is for you. In this advanced governance and management session, we will unveil a framework for automating SharePoint administrative tasks to enforce your service and information management policies. You will take away a set of tools that you can apply and extend to create a secure, proxied model for SharePoint administration. The session assumes you have some understanding of Windows PowerShell, which is used to power the scripts we will show. But even if you aren’t a PowerShell expert, you will be able to take the tools we give you and put them to work in your enterprise, including sample solutions for automating the creation of sites and for managing group membership across SharePoint sites and Active Directory. Automate consistency into your processes for improved, repeatable governance.

After years of helping organizations around the world to deploy and implement SharePoint, we have found there are certain pain points that almost everyone encounters. Some are confusing concepts. Some are unfortunate decisions made based on misunderstanding Microsoft’s UI and/or documentation. Some are due to unnecessarily complex terminology. And some because there are things we might think that SharePoint should do, but can’t. In this session, we will share the most common and problematic scenarios, and their solutions, with the goal of saving you pain, time, and money. Think of this session as “Lessons Learned,” “Best Practices,” or “From the Field” on steroids. Whether you’re new to SharePoint or a seasoned veteran, in this grab-bag session with treasures a-plenty!

‘The cloud.’ Obviously, a significant consideration for every executive, business leader, decision maker and platform owner. As soon as the words are mentioned, there are aspirational visions of the potential for the cloud, concerns ranging from security to data sovereignty to manageability, and there is a raucous hype of promises, fears, uncertainty, and doubt. How can you align the dynamic nature of the cloud with your strategic objectives? How can you drive your business to optimize value and risk? What are the concerns of your peers and what have they done to address those concerns? In this unique session, we will share a thoughtful, business-centric strategic approach to reimagining service delivery in this brave new hybrid world. You’ll explore the challenges and benefits of the cloud from a SharePoint perspective, but the prescriptive guidance you take away will help you manage on-premise and cloud services of any kind.

SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 offer “big wins” for business value and service delivery. But which features and capabilities are the most compelling reasons to move? How and when should you upgrade or migrate? In this session, we’ll cover lessons learned from customer engagements around the world. And based on this, we’ll provide guidance to help build your strategy, plan your company’s roadmap, and assert a tactical approach to integrating these new versions into your SharePoint service. You’ll learn what’s changed when it comes to upgrading—most importantly, the impact of 2010 mode and deferred site upgrades. We’ll explore the factors that drive your upgrade and migration planning. And you’ll learn about the real financial and technical benefits that come from mixing cloud and on-premises SharePoint services for your enterprise.

‘The cloud.’ Obviously, a significant consideration for every executive, business leader, decision maker and platform owner. As soon as the words are mentioned, there are aspirational visions of the potential for the cloud, concerns ranging from security to data sovereignty to manageability, and there is a raucous hype of promises, fears, uncertainty, and doubt. How can you align the dynamic nature of the cloud with your strategic objectives? How can you drive your business to optimize value and risk? What are the concerns of your peers and what have they done to address those concerns? In this unique session, we will share a thoughtful, business-centric strategic approach to reimagining service delivery in this brave new hybrid world. You’ll explore the challenges and benefits of the cloud from a SharePoint perspective, but the prescriptive guidance you take away will help you manage on-premise and cloud services of any kind.